Why United Kingdom?
The United Kingdom has always been favored by high-net-worth individuals for its world-renowned high-quality education, perfect social welfare and medical system, and good social security . "If a man is tired of London, he is also tired of life, because London has everything that life can give people", the famous writer Samuel Johnson's famous phrase has become a London propaganda word for many years. The UK has always been traditional and conservative, but many people don't know that the UK's primary industry is the Creative Industry. Many designers and even creative directors in big companies such as Apple, Samsung or Hyundai are British or graduates from British universities. Apple's chief designer Jonathan Ivey is from the United Kingdom .
Fashion shopping entertainment paradise:
Britain is a famous shopping paradise. Especially in London. There are famous shopping places such as Oxford Street and Harrods. Among them, the Westfield mall was rebuilt based on the previous Olympic pavilion. There are also many Outlets (brand-name discount stores). June-July and December each year are discount periods in the UK. And the annual boxing day (December 26) is the peak discount, and many world-renowned brands have a 50% discount. There are also duty-free shops at the airport.
As the fashion capital, London has many fashion parties every year. London is also an artistic city with many art galleries.
The Premier League is also very famous every year, and there are many big and small games every year. Football fans can enjoy the fun of watching football live in the UK.
Financial advantages:
The UK is the world's financial center and one of the most economically developed countries in Europe; the financial services industry is an important pillar industry of the UK economy, generating more than 10% of the total economic output and a trade surplus of about 20 billion pounds every year, employing more than 1 million employees . With its deep trade origins, first-class professionals, high-quality supporting services, and advantages in terms of language, time zone, and regulations, London ranks among the world's three largest financial centers. It occupies an important position in international financial markets such as securities and foreign exchange transactions, maritime and aviation insurance, bond insurance and transactions, and inter-bank lending. London is one of the three major financial centers in the world, not only has a large number of banks, but also is the world's largest insurance market and one of the world's largest reinsurance markets, as well as the world's leading aviation and aviation insurance market. London is the world's largest over-the-counter financial derivatives market, the world's second largest futures and options market after Chicago, and the world's largest fund management center.
Educational advantages:
Immigrate to the UK to enjoy an education that is second to none in the world. The United Kingdom is the most developed country in higher education in the world, with the highest level of higher education in the world, and is the birthplace of the modern higher education system. The UK has the world's oldest institution of higher learning, as well as a large number of the world's top institutions of higher learning, which have trained many outstanding scientists and politicians for the UK and the world.
Well-known institutions of higher learning include Oxford University, Cambridge University, Imperial College, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Warwick, University of Manchester, etc. Thousands of foreign students come to study in the UK every year. Some of them are in order to learn English, the lingua franca of international business, trade, and diplomacy. But more people come here because of the high quality and strict standards of British education, which is highly respected all over the world.
The UK is a great place to learn pure British English and most schools teach in English. And can communicate with the British himself. Children can quickly integrate into local life. In the UK, there are also many international people who can learn about the cultures of different countries.
For most subjects in the UK, undergraduate courses are three academic years and postgraduate courses are one academic year, for a total of four years. But China Guang University takes four years, and graduate students take three years, for a total of seven years. Compared with China, it saves four years, allowing children to contact the society faster, and have a high degree of education.
Welfare system advantages:
Immigrate to the UK to enjoy a high quality of life and a complete and generous welfare system. The UK is a real high welfare country, with a wide range of welfare coverage. New immigrants can enjoy local medical and educational benefits upon arrival in the UK. After obtaining permanent residence, you can enjoy all the same social benefits as local citizens:
1. Education: Children from 5 to 16 years old can enjoy free education.
2. Medical aspects: The national medical insurance system in the United Kingdom is one of the important components of British welfare. The biggest advantage of the medical insurance system implemented is that as long as anyone participates in social insurance, there is no need to worry about personal and family illness. . The way of seeing a doctor in the UK is different from that in China. It is not necessary to go to the hospital for major and minor illnesses. If it is a minor illness, it will go to the nearest community hospital. If it is a serious illness, it will go to a comprehensive hospital. All expenses incurred after entering the hospital are in covered by insurance.
3. In addition to medical and educational benefits, UK benefits include child and maternity benefits, disability or sickness benefits, retirement benefits, widow benefits, unemployment benefits, low-income benefits and social funds.
英国,以其在世界闻名的优质教育质量、完善的社会福利和医疗制度、良好的社会治安等,一直都深受高净值人士的青睐。“如果一个人厌倦了伦敦,他也就厌倦了生活,因为伦敦有生活能赋予人的一切”,著名作家塞缪尔-约翰逊的这一名句多少年都成为伦敦的宣传词。英国一直以来都给人传统、保守的感觉,但很多人并不知道英国的第一产业是设计创新产业(Creative Industry)。包括苹果、三星或现代汽车等大公司里面很多的设计师甚至是创意总监都是英国人或者是从英国大学毕业的毕业生。苹果公司的首席设计师乔纳森. 艾维就是来自英国。
● 时尚购物娱乐天堂:
英国是著名的购物天堂。尤其在伦敦。有著名的牛津街,Harrods等购物天地。其中,Westfield商场是根据之前的奥运会馆改建的。还有众多Outlet(名牌打折店)。每年的6-7月与12月,是英国的打折期。而每年的boxing day(12月26日)是打折高峰,众多世界知名品牌,都有5折的优惠。机场也有免税店。
● 金融优势:
● 教育优势:
● 福利制度优势: